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4 Digital Marketing Tips To Help Your Business Grow Fast

Digital marketing has perhaps one of the best returns on investment. While you are most likely already using some popular digital marketing mediums, using them to effectively grow your business is an entirely different battle. This doesn’t have to be an overly complex operation, but rather something that with a little bit of planning and investment could be generating more sales for you in no time. Here’s how:

Invest In Branding

One of the first steps you should take if you want your digital marketing to take off is investing in branding. Not only is this the primary way people look at who your company is, but what they represent as well, which is a significant portion of why people buy your product or service in the first place. Whether you feel like your brand is in it’s prime or not, it’s always good to do a reassessment.

When assessing your brand, one of the first things to consider is grabbing an objective opinion of what others think and feel when they see it. Branding is part science and part visual storytelling. For example, as noted by Curatti, color increases brand recognition by 80 percent, which is why a company like Samsung you’re able to point out their sharp tones that match their type. Start studying cases like this when seeking out the designer for your brand, as this will be a crucial element to having a recognizable presence online.

Hop On Social

Another important factor to establishing a digital marketing presence is getting yourself a solid presence on social media. While most of us have experience with social media as a medium we use in our personal lives, it’s also an excellent strategy to use for your business if you know how to strategize. After all, social is a pretty delicate medium, as it requires quite a bit of persistence as much as it does creativity. However, that’s why it’s crucial to get started on finding your audience ASAP.

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Finding your audience for social will largely be determined by the type of target market you’re after, starting with if you’re a b2b business or b2c. For example, b2c companies that provide a product will see much more success making money on Instagram. However, with 800 million users currently on the platform, honing in on a target audience you’ll get an ROI from will require quite a bit of engagement. And while that might sound like quite a bit effort, remember to keep your outreach organic as a means to learn both about your community as well as your business.

SEO Is A Must

Of course, if you’re going to be talking about digital marketing, then SEO has to be a part of the conversation. This is not only one of the most prominent forms of inbound marketing, but when done right, also one of the most efficient. Because as noted by Junto Digital, with 93 percent of online experiences starting with search, this is a primary funnel almost all of us use to find things, with the main goal being that your company is at the top of the results.

The name of the game with SEO is how quality you can make your keyword search terms. This practice is all about specificity, which is essentially how niche you can make your research items. For example, if I’m one of the only coffee shops in a neighborhood that serves breakfast, then owning the keyword combination of “breakfast+coffee+(neighborhood)” would be an advantageous move. Take the time to work through which search terms could be the most beneficial to you, as this is one strategy you don’t want to miss out on.

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Content Is Still King

Finally, as you may have heard before, content is one of the absolute best methods of digital marketing out. While most generally think of this as strictly writing blog posts, this can go well beyond that. Because while it’s great to have long-form posts of copy, that’s not the only way to deliver content, where length actually can play more of a significant role; for example, as noted by SnapApp, long-form blog posts generate nine times as many leads than short form. And no matter if your talent is photography, writing, or design, try to create content that will lend to you being able to produce captivating work consistently, ensuring you’re garnering an audience that will stick with you for the long haul.

What are some digital marketing strategies you’ve used to help your business grow? Comment with your answers below!