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Traveling For Free – Travel and Tourism Jobs Overview

Traveling For Free – Travel and Tourism Jobs Overview

Getting a job in travel and tourism can enable you to earn some money while traveling the globe or staying overseas for a year or more. This way, you can be continuously traveling and enjoy the discoveries that come with it.

Many larger tourism operations (cruises, beach resorts, hotel chains, airlines, amusement parks, travel agencies and wholesalers) are needing a variety of skilled employees (bartenders, cooks, waiters, receptionists, flight attendants, tour guides, musicians, security personnel, shopping specialists, massage therapists, medical personnel, babysitters, photographers, drivers and pilots, clerks and various customer service personnel, etc.)

If you already have training and/or experience in any of these fields of work you could be an excellent and easy candidate for a travel and tourism company. Many of them will hire overseas and arrange for the necessary work permits. If you don’t have prior experience in these fields, there are training courses galore – but you could always try as you are for some of these jobs. Several of the junior positions are geared towards students.

These kinds of jobs do tend to be more long-term and will suit those inclined to the traveling lifestyle. They can also give you the chance to live abroad for an extended period of time without necessarily engaging you in a career. Many of these jobs will be found within large companies but you can also find them out in smaller businesses where there can be less constraints and looser structures.

It is also interesting to look into the direction of becoming a travel writer or to be producing travel videos on your own. There are now many opportunities (especially online) to create written, filmed and photographed content related to your travels. Lonely Planet, for example, will pay you 500$ for a travel video if they find it interesting. In several countries, you can easily live on 500$ for a month.

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There are quite a few online and printed magazines that will pay for and publish good travel writing. This also includes literary mags which will sometimes accept travel fiction and poetry. In addition to getting some money back this gives you a platform for self-expression and connecting to people. On top of this, there are travel writing contests that will give out cash prizes and free trips to the winners. Look them up online in Google.

There are many kinds of free travel opportunities – getting a job related to traveling is only one of them.