
The Proud Bird With The Golden Tail.

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Why You Should Buy a RV

Why You Should Buy a RV

One of the greatest freedoms we have in this great country of ours is the freedom to travel: To go where we please when we please. The reason more people do not travel with their families as much as they would like is the hassle and the cost of traveling. With air travel and hotels getting more expensive and restaurants increasing their prices, traveling is becoming more and more difficult. Airlines do not always fly to where you want to go and if they do the cost of renting a car to get around is extremely high. So if a person wants to travel without breaking their bank account, what options do they have? Travel in an RV.

This is the best way to see and truly enjoy this great country we live in. When you own a RV you get to go where you want without the hassle of checking luggage or going through security checks. Instead of seeing little squares our country from over 25,000ft in the air, you get to experience the country at eye level. There is nothing better than this for viewing the purple mountains majesty from sea to shining sea.

You also meet the nicest people traveling in a RV. You meet people who are not angry and stressed out because they were 1 minute late for a flight that would not wait, their rental car was not ready on time or their hotel was over booked. Instead, you meet people who are glad to be where they are. You meet people who are friendly and considerate and more importantly, relaxed. Couple this with the fact that when you travel in an RV with your family, you strengthen your relationships and create lasting memories for your children.

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It is also less expensive to travel in an RV. No smelly hotels rooms, sleeping in a strange bed in a strange place or eating expensive restaurant food. In your RV you sleep in your own bed and eat your own food and you are on your own time table. You have all the comforts of home and none of the hassles of being in a strange place.

No matter where you travel to, from Disney World to the Grand Canyon, you can always find a space in a good RV park at a good rate. Even with the cost of fuel today, when you factor in the price of air travel, hotel expenses, car rental fees and time wasted stranded in airport lines, it is still cheaper to “Go RVing.”

Now is the time to get your best deal on a good Open Range RV and begin to create your family memories. Give your kids something to talk about for years to come that you both and laugh at and enjoy. Find an RV and get on the road. I know you will love it as much as I do.